Monday, October 18, 2010

Blog #8

This is How We Dream:
In this video, Richard Miller made many good points. He showed some ways that technology can be incorporated in Language Arts, which really interested me because I had been curious about that prior to the video. He believes tat educators should discuss their ideas freely. I think this is very important in education! Teachers need to share their ideas in order to better their teachings and help students advance.
While I do understand and agree that technology can certainly speed up process time, I am not sure that I like the idea of almost everything being done by video. I was educated and practically trained to write, and write well (hopefully!). Now I have to wonder if my education, or parts of it, were a complete waste of time. Maybe that is exageration, and I'm sure that it is, but it does worry me.
I think that this idea could work though. Everyone, students, teachers, administrators, would have to adjust to this new technological education. We would all have to learn the types of technology and how each can be used and incorporated into education and the curriculum. Basically, in order for this idea to work, everyone has to want it to work and be willing to DO the work.

The Chipper Series and EDM 310 For Dummies:

EDM 310 For Dummies made me laugh, but it also confused me. I am not exactly sure what the point was in making this video? I assume that they are referring to the website as the "book"? I really am not sure as to what specific things I would want to create a video about. I have a wide range of interests, but I have a hard time coming up with something that I think anyone else would actually want to watch.

Why Smartboards are a Dumb Initiative: This article discusses some of the disadvantages that the author finds with the Smartboard. His main argument is that Smartboards are "the least cost-effective way to improve learning." He does admit that these boards are cool and that they do have positives, however, these positives are not in line with the cost. The author believs that Smartboards are simply a more expensive way to continue on the same path that the education system is on now. He also believes that administrators like Smartboards because they make them look good, or so they think.

Why I Hate Interactive White Boards: Bill Ferriter, the author of this article, comes off as very brutal! He has very strong opinions on he subject of interactive white boards. In fact, he was given one in his classroom and only used it for a year before he decided that it was basically useless and gave it away. One thing that I found interesting, or rather humorous, was the opinion of Smartboards being nothing more than "expensive overhead projectors." Ferriter argues that many of these purchases are under-informed and irresponsible. The quote by Sylvia Martinez is what really stuck with me from this article: "You can't buy change. It's a process, not a purchase."

Using Electric Whiteboards In Your Classroom: While this website does not have a full article, it has annecdotal accounts of several different articles that I found very appropriate. This website gives several lists of the positives of using a Smartboard. Some of the positive arguments are: interactive, ability to accomodate, and easy to use and incorporate into the classroom. The link for this webiste is:


  1. Hi Mattie! Your blog looks great! I agree with you when you said you weren't sure if you liked the idea of everything being done by video. That terrifies me to think that all of the hard work I have put into my own education will be worthless one day. Like you said, I'm sure it could work, we just have to find people who are willing to learn how to use technology in order for that to be a success. Keep up the good work!

  2. Hey Mattie,

    To comment on your thoughts about videos, I think there are many things that people would be interested in watching. If you like something and you make a movie about it, there is bound to be someone on Youtube that will love to see it!

    Jamie Lynn's video on EDM 310 for Dummies was set up to be a commercial, specifically an info-mercial. This was just to show what EDM might feel like and just a comedy about the class.

    I am interested to see how you feel about smartboards. I think you will find out soon when you start to use them in you smartboard project.

    Good post Mattie, see you in class,

    Stephen Akins
