I must say, I have completely revamped my PLN since the last progress report. I am now using iGoogle for my PLN and I love IT! I like that I am able to personalize it in every way. My background is quite possibly one of my favorite things. I am going to Disney for Christmas this year and I was able to find a background of Cinderella’s Castle! It may be silly, but this has truly been my inspiration to get through this horrible semester (not this class; I am taking 19 hours!).
I have found through my PLN that I am more of a listener than a talker. I love reading people’s blogs and I have chosen several to follow that show up on my iGoogle page. However, I have come to realize that I do not like leaving comments. I think I like simply reading the posts. I honestly did not realize this was occurring until I began typing this blog post. In addition to the blogs on my iGoogle, I also have YouTube, the weather, fun facts, a calendar, and my cute little pink piggy that I adopted.
I love reading blogs from teachers around the world. I think it is fascinating to see what they are doing with their students. I have gotten many ideas about things to do with my own students in the future. Through my PLN, I have gained a new respect and appreciation for blogging. Prior to this class and my PLN, I swore that I would never blog, but I now see the point. Not only will I continue to blog and follow people’s blogs, but my students will most certainly blog as well.
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