I was assigned to comment on Bill Ferriter's blog. My first comment was made on August 25th. His post was pretty short and sweet, simply asking the question "what do teacher leaders need from administrators?" He asked that we please help him and answer the question in a blog comment. He decided to answer his own question as the first comment on the blog. He feels that teachers need mutual respect from administrators, because often times as teachers, we have just as much skill and knowledge as principals. He states that he often feels looked down upon when he in is a room full of principals. My comment basically agreed with his comment. I stated that teachers need respect just as principals do and that we both play very important roles in education. Teachers need to be heard and they need to be given more freedom in their classroom to actually teach their students other than from a textbook.
My second post was on September 11th. His blog talked about tips from growing your blog's audience. One of his main tips was that we have to be inventive when posting our blogs because people hear and read far too much as it is, so we have to stand out in order to make a difference. He also said that we have to be brave when posting our blogs. He simply states that we need to be willing to ask the tough questions that educators love to avoid. In my comment I agreed with both of these opinions. People read and hear so much these days that we have to be creative in order to draw positive attention to our blog. Blogs are about opinions. No one honestly wants to read exactly what they want to hear. We already have our opinions, so why would we want to read it when we already know it? I feel that people need to be able to post their opinions in a professional way, without changing their opinion to please others.
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